Thursday, August 27, 2009


Web 2.0, hmm... simply, its technology that is so usefull and easy most users dont even recognise using it and thus being a part of it.

Its simply the transition into a new developed sytem in which user from every generation whether nerd or no nerd can have there own recognised voice which anyone can hear.

The idea in which owners of a blog may link there facebook, myspace or any social media site together, the idea in which anyone can edit pieces of information of wikipedia, the idea in which any individual can access and share all kinds of information about themselves or any other (if you have permission, trying to keep it legal) for the entire universe to view. Whether they view it is a different story! Its not really internationsla news what someone is doing every minute of the day, rather boring stuff actually, but i guess its ther site isnt it???

And thus bring us onto the next topic, when a person decides to create foresay a facebook account, who owns the right to them and to what extent. According to many terms and conditions of such social media sites, the actual author of the item has no real claim over it once it is placed of that site.

Simply put... Once you upload your pictures of your crazy night out on facebook, they no longer belong to you! and so if it feels as though it wants to use them, it may legally do that as you have agreed in their terms of use!

Happy Days

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