Thursday, August 27, 2009
Its simply the transition into a new developed sytem in which user from every generation whether nerd or no nerd can have there own recognised voice which anyone can hear.
The idea in which owners of a blog may link there facebook, myspace or any social media site together, the idea in which anyone can edit pieces of information of wikipedia, the idea in which any individual can access and share all kinds of information about themselves or any other (if you have permission, trying to keep it legal) for the entire universe to view. Whether they view it is a different story! Its not really internationsla news what someone is doing every minute of the day, rather boring stuff actually, but i guess its ther site isnt it???
And thus bring us onto the next topic, when a person decides to create foresay a facebook account, who owns the right to them and to what extent. According to many terms and conditions of such social media sites, the actual author of the item has no real claim over it once it is placed of that site.
Simply put... Once you upload your pictures of your crazy night out on facebook, they no longer belong to you! and so if it feels as though it wants to use them, it may legally do that as you have agreed in their terms of use!
Happy Days
The screen itself has its own language, in which the images presented to you are just as powerfull as the spoken words. Through images you are able to deciefer the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How; whilst at the same time continueing the narrative.
Pretty simple really, I think!
Computers were first commercially produced by IBM in the 1950s.
The first generation of computers were large, unwieldy and expensive machines for military, government and corporate work but it quickly became apparent that computers would get smaller, quicker and less expensive at an exponential rate.
The PC Revolution
At Xerox PARC in the early 70s, a think-tank developed concepts such as the mouse, the graphical user interface (GUI) and pull-down menus that made the personal computers of today possible and approachable by the general user.
It wasn't until 1975, however, that the first PC (personal computer) was released. It was called the 0 and in modern day slang it SUCKED, it was worthless at its peak. Although a man named Bill Gates changed that. Creating Microsoft which gave computers a language in which they could communicate. By the end of 1975 more companies had joined the PC industry.
The Introduction of Apple!
Several computer nerds got together at regular, hobbyist 'Home Brew' meetings. They exchanged ideas and displayed their latest and greatest home-made PCs. It was in this environment that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak got hooked up together and started their own little company - Apple.
IBM and Microsoft Join Forces!
It was around this time that IBM started to notice something was going on. IBM was a large ultra-conservative. They were heavily involved in producing huge mainframes for big companies but, by 1980, they were determined to get into the PC market. The then chairman, Frank Carey, called for help and in came Bill Lowe, who promised IBM a product within one year.
To run computers, there are two types of software required: the Language and the Operating System. IBM considered two possible vendors for their software: Gary Kildall, the head of Digital Research, Inc, and Bill Gates the owner of Microsoft (the biggest software provider in the valley). IBM set up a meeting with Gates, expecting to be able to get both sets of software at the same place. Microsoft did not produce an Operating System, they directed IBM to Kildall. Kildall and his partner would not sign a non-disclosure agreement before conducting a meeting so IBM walked away - back to Microsoft.
Microsoft/Bill Gates made a decision to promise an Operating System (in for a penny in for a pound!). They found and bought an Operating System which had been developed by Tim Patterson. It was called Kudos and was based heavily on Kildall's CPM. Microsoft paid Seattle Computer Products (Patterson's employer)
Over the ensuing years, IBM gained more and more of the market share - largely through its association with the software giant Microsoft.
And that is Computers at it very interesting beginning
The first 3D IM environment that I will check out is Habbo Hotel where you don’t have to download anything. Firstly, I had to register, which meant thinking of a username… Not being in a very imaginative this early in the morning I stuck with my blogger username!
As the lecture outlined a serious question of ownership, I decided to peak at the Terms of Service. Seeming to be all in order, i continued! Sounds exciting!!!

So here she is! Isn’t she just a splendid work of 3D art, rather boring I feel. Not that i truelly care, I highly doubt ill EVER return. It was odd just very weird to me. My first impression of Habbo Hotel wasn’t positive. I thought the navigation was really hard to use.
Having no previous relations to this site, believe it or not ‘I royally sucked at controlling everything’. Not before long I found some stranger to help me out and for that stranger I do say thanks, but as helpful as you were. You were like to into it, and that rather frightened me. I wanted to destroy your lil cartoon person thing and tell you to go outside and exercise or something! But that would have been mean, and plus it’s not your fault blame technology!:P
I think the qualitative differences between MSN and a 3D environment is predominantly the people you are talking to. On MSN you have the option to only add and talk to your friends. In this 3D environment, you were subject to having a conversation with any random person. The interface and navigation on MSN is far easier to use than what I experienced on Habbo Hotel. There are far less distractions on MSN so you can focus on the conversation you are having with your friend,a dn if someone displeases you there’s always that BLOCK button!. On Habbo Hotel, there were other people interrupting your conversations.
On MSN, you can add your friends via e-mail addresses and monitor who you talk to, in comparison to 3D worlds you cant control who and what kind of conversation occurs between you and a stranger. For all you know you could be talking to an undercover cop!
Now that would have been fun.
Based on that, I officially declare by the power I have over my blog MSN the winner!
1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
Alan Turing use to wear a gas mask while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park to prevent hay-fever symptoms.
2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
The first computers talked to each other in 1969 through a network called ARPANET. The computers were located in California and Utah.
3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October, 1955 and sold his first software in 1975. (That would make him 20 years old).
4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
The World Wide Web was invented at CERN.
5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
AltaVista and Dell Website
A computer in 1979 had a 8088 8-bit processor.
A computer in 2009 has a 2.60GHz, 800FSB, 2MB processor
You decipher what that means and work out the power differences
6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
Ken Holden grew a parsnip that weighed 2.3 kilograms. Mr Holden has also previously grown a cauliflower weighing 3.2 kilograms and carrots weighing 2.7 kilograms.
7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
AltaVista and Queensland Government Mapping and Surveying website
Queensland separated from New South Wales and thus became a state in 1859 (Queensland’s 150 years old) There were many reasons for why the boarders between states are the way they are and these reasons can be found on the Queensland Government Mapping and Surveying website.
8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
AltaVista and Bureau of Meteorology
I can only presume from the information from the BOM page for the history of flooding in southeast Queensland that on the 17th of November 1954, it was raining in southeast Queensland.
9. Why is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
AltaVista and BBC History website
Lord Byron is remembered in Venice because he wrote some of his most famous works including ‘Don Juan’ in Venice.
10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?
AltaVista , Revolution Rock Oral History of Brisbane Music website, The Black Assassins’ 10th Birthday Bash CD Launch Party 2005 and picture search
Sirham Chapman played keyboard and did the lead vocals in The Black Assassins. He is none other than my lecturer for New Communication Technologies. Dr Stephen Stockwell.
PART 1a)
Having been born into a decade of new technological advances, I’ve always been surrounded by the internet, or at least I think, my memory really can’t remember such trivial thing, plus it was too long ago! :P
Anyways back to the important stuff...Communication Technology ie the big wild world of MSN and Windows Live Messenger! YAY finally something I’m good at!
Well, what’s there to say about MSN, it’s simply fantastic. It’s like text messaging only free and is like almost instantly received. What could be better then chatting to your friends from all over the planet in quick time, not having to worry about credit or number, just quick snappy conversations for the moments when entertainment is on strike!! :)
I personally have had an msn account since grade 8. Surprised? I am, Doesn’t time fly when your constantly changing your msn name! Having only my school friends at the beginning it seems my contact list has rapidly been increasing to include friends from all over the world, both friends I have met and not. Thats a long time ago now, a big move has occurred since the days where it was an unwritten rule that all would be online at 7pm to join a massive conversation of class mates!
I shall not complain either way, MSN it’s simply communication, at a bigger and better level. :)
Well this is officially my first blog ever, and I have already realised how difficult blogging is or just plain boring. Nevertheless here is my attempt.
My name is Maha Nayfeh, and as you have probably noticed I am Arab; most likely you probably already suspected that from my blog name (ARABIANXX), I’m a Jordan born girl who’s been calling Australia home for the past 18 years or my whole life really. Born in 1991 and moving to Australia at just two months old. I’m just the wild, secretly quiet average girl next door, with a few differences :)
After completing 12 torturous years of compulsory study at approximately 6 different schools around the world, I’m finally here. Finally deciding my future, finally doing what I want to do. And so that is a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education. Yes a double degree, it’s best described as a double strike in every sense of the word; double the campuses double the degree! BOTH WINNERS: P
As this is my first official blog, I should probably mention for what course. New Communication Technologies be my calling, at least for this semester. Still undecided if this course is really that great but I’m going to attempt to enjoy it.
After all its an excuse to be on the interest. YAY. :):):)